Oct 2024 News-Discussions with Combat Stress

The MedAid and Moe Kolo teams had the opportunity to take part in a private discussion with Professor Catherine Kinane, Medical Director at Combat Stress, a British charity that treats veterans of the British Armed Forces with complex mental health issues arising from their military service. https://combatstress.org.uk/ Despite the fact that the Russian-Ukrainian war is significantly different from past and present wars in other countries, it is still very important for Ukrainians to learn from other people's experience. It is about the tactics of warfare,  support for the economy, and rehabilitation of veterans and civilians.

During the online meeting, Catherine spoke about how Combat Stress treats veterans across the UK, engages with the veteran community to increase awareness of military-related trauma, and works alongside the National Health Service and other service providers at local and national levels.

The Moe Kolo team and psychologists were interested to hear Combat Stress' experience with clinical quality and accountability, as well as the tools the British use to improve services for veterans. The information on treatment programmes and ways to support veterans outside of sessions and after treatment on an ongoing basis was particularly valuable. We are grateful to Professor Catherine Kinane for her support and sharing experiences! 



Oct 2024 News-Ukraine partners meeting


Sept 2024 News-Charitable Status